Arizona Police Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Arizona Probation Officers Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
AZ State Troopers Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Arizona Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Phoenix Law Enforcement Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Scottsdale Fire Fighters Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor
Tempe Officers Association Endorses Thomas Galvin for County Supervisor


American conservatism honors family, tradition, and private property rights. As Maricopa County Supervisor for District 2, I will always prioritize the Maricopa County taxpayer. My two biggest objectives are fighting inflation and promoting public safety.

With a suitcase and a dream, I started calling Arizona home 15 years ago and Arizona has fulfilled my dreams. It is now my turn to give back to the people of Maricopa County.

Throughout my career in the private sector, I have fought for good jobs, low taxes, and the elimination of wasteful regulations. My belief in the power of free market capitalism and honorable public service drives my campaign priorities.

My beautiful wife and I are raising a young son who we want to grow up in a successful, prosperous, and safe Maricopa County. I would be honored to have your support in representing District 2 on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

Thomas Galvin with Wife
Thomas Galvin with Family


  • As the proud grandson of an NYPD detective, I absolutely reject calls to “Defund the Police” because I think it is a dangerous mindset. I can’t remember a time where it’s been more difficult to be a police officer. There is a vocal group of people who hate the police and are pushing the “Defund the Police” message. If they are successful, it will be the most vulnerable in our society who will suffer - the elderly, children, working families.

    I believe the “anti-police” rhetoric has contributed to the rise in violent crime. This is a troubling trend that, in the long run, will have a detrimental effect on recruiting. We need public officials, elected officials, and stakeholders to stand up and publicly defend our police officers who put their lives on the line every day.

    We must maintain law-and-order in Maricopa County. That is why I am proud that the County has provided additional resources to the Sheriff’s office and the County Attorney’s office so that they have the tools and resources they need to fight crime. Illegal drugs are a scourge in our community. We need to continue to fight violent crime. I will continue to make sure our law enforcement personnel have all the support and resources they need to keep us safe.

    • Created “Focus on Fentanyl” to raise drug awareness with teenagers and youth

    • Funded “Organized Retail Theft Taske Force” to stop shoplifting at pharmacies and groceries that are plaguing other states

    • High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program

    • Anti-Human Trafficking Grant Fund Program

    • Drug, Gang, Violent Crime Program

    • Approved Agreement with ChildHelp, Inc. to aid in the investigation and prosecution of child physical abuse, sexual assault, and sexual abuse involving minors

    My opponent in the Republican primary was the only Republican in the state legislature to vote with Democrats to “Defund the Police.” That is outrageous.

    I support fully funding law enforcement, especially our Sheriff Deputies. I am proud to have earned EVERY police association endorsement in this campaign.

  • Joe Biden’s disastrous economic policies have driven inflation through the roof. Inflation is what I call an “invisible tax” on families and businesses. We are all adversely affected by it. I pushed and advocated for the largest property tax cut in Maricopa County, and it was passed in June 2022. Since then, I have cut property taxes in EACH budget I have voted on. We lowered property taxes again in June 2024!

    Joe Biden’s economic policies are hurting Maricopa County. Families are unable to buy a decent home and renting an apartment has become increasingly difficult as inflation is out of control. According to the Wall Street Journal, Maricopa County was hit the hardest hit by Joe Biden’s inflation.

    We must do everything we can to lower costs for families in Maricopa County and fight against the dangerous and expensive policies from the Biden Administration.

    I am the candidate who has the best economic plan to help families in Maricopa County and that is why I’ve been endorsed by the Phoenix Realtors, Scottsdale Realtors, and Southeast Valley Realtors! I’m also proud to be endorsed by the champion of local businesses, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce!

  • As an attorney who has worked for years on water matters, I have long called on our state and local leaders to pay attention to this critically important issue. More people are now realizing that the long drought has diminished our water supply, especially from the Colorado River.

    It's important your County Supervisor is someone well-versed and experienced with water issues - all of us are affected by the pending water cutbacks.

    I am proud to have successfully mediated and resolved the Scottsdale - Rio Verde Foothills water dispute that had been festering for years. It only took me 8 months in office to obtain the long-term solution that was a win-win for Scottsdale and the Rio Verde Foothills.

    But there is still more work to be done within Maricopa County. Time is of the essence to work on two critical aspects, conservation and increasing our water supply through augmentation methods. We should incentivize or reward businesses, farms, ranches, and residential users who come up with new and useful methods to conserve water. And we need to find new sources of water which include improvements to Bartlett Dam and a regional desalination plant that can help augment our water resources and provide us more flexibility.

  • I believe in a strong, fair, and transparent election system. I also support ballot tracking to be available in all counties as well as clean and accurate voter rolls. I support prohibiting out-of-state residents from serving as election booth observers and strongly oppose ballot harvesting.

    A lot of people talk about election integrity but very few people are doing anything about it. I am proud to fight for real election integrity. I have made sure the following improvements and upgrades have been implemented since I came to office 2 years ago:

    • Increased the number of trained bipartisan signature verifier teams by 130%

    • Increased square footage of ballot processing area at Tabulation Center by 150%

    • Changed layout of Tabulation Center to increase counting capacity

    • Increased number of tabulators by 20%

    • Increased adjudication stations by 50%

    • These measures are projected to have 650,000 more ballots to be reported on Election Night

    • Hired more full-time Election Staff

    • Increased safety and security measures at Elections Headquarters

    • Permanent security personnel during business hours and 24/7 patrol

    • A new metal detector system for temporary workers and volunteers

    • Directly working with the political parties to ensure party observers are on sit when necessary

    • Working with the Sheriff’s office to main security of ballots and safety of vote

    Most importantly, I led the way to ensure our military voters were not disenfranchised in this year's election. The new law, which I fought for, was approved by the legislature and signed by the governor. I am glad to be part of the solution on Election Integrity issues.

  • Maricopa County is the 4th largest county in the United States, and it is the fastest growing county. There are 200 people moving to Maricopa County every day. Maricopa County is not a success by accident. Conservative principles, a business and family friendly climate, and low taxes have made Maricopa County a top destination.

    I believe we should continue the mission of creating quality jobs, while maintaining low taxes and a great quality of life. Maricopa County has a diverse economy, thanks to the great policies it has pursued since the Great Recession. But we shouldn’t rest on our laurels. We should continue to fight to pursue an even better economy that’s responsive and good for everyone in Maricopa County.

  • Today, Maricopa County has more than 450 miles of freeway. Investments over the past few decades have enhanced property values. I believe a strong economy is only possible if there is a well-planned transportation system.

    We need a responsible Regional Transportation Plan to ensure that our tax dollars are properly spent and accounted for, and residents can travel across the county safely. We need to continue to invest in our transportation infrastructure to prevent gridlock, expand our freeways and repair roads.

  • I have worked closely with Maricopa County’s Emergency Management Department while our heroic first responders have protected us from numerous wildfires.

    I am proud to be endorsed by the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona, Mesa Fire Fighters, Scottsdale Fire Fighters and Fountain Hills Fire Fighters!